Building Environmental Performance Open Dialogue
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A strategic approach  
Brief & governance  
LCC & service life  
Responsible construction  
Sustainable buildings  
Health goals  
Thermal envelope  
Building geometry  
Lighting design  
Building services  
Low & Zero Carbon  
Hybrid concepts  
Feasibility and weights  
Information management  
Energy calculations  
Sustainable Urban Design  
Actual cases  

Hybrid design solutions

BIPV double façades

  Sustainable management practices

Sustainable management practices linked to design, construction, commissioning, handover and aftercare
The environmental section 'management' focuses on sustainable management practices through all design, construction and in-use stages of any new development. It ensures that robust sustainability objectives are set and implemented regarding the operation of the development. It also promotes community involvement in decisions affecting the design, construction, operation and long-term stewardship of any development.

What is assessed here are the constraints and opportunities relating to sustainability on the site and what's required are considerations of how a development will impact on the wider community. All sustainability issues contain criteria which underpin decisions regarding how the development will be designed.

A site for development is assumed to have been selected. Detailed surveys for flood risk, ecology, energy, transport and the local economy are to be conducted at appropriate times. The survey conclusions will be integrated within strategies and commitments to be implemented down the line.

The management section consists of the following issues, which embed sustainability actions through the key stages of design, procurement and initial occupation beginning with the initial 'strategic definition' stage and ending with the 'monitoring & handover after use' stage:

  • Good timing
  • Project brief, design & governance
  • Increase of sustainable buildings
  • Life cycle cost & service life planning
  • Responsible construction practices
  • Commissioning and handover
  • Aftercare
Each issue consists of certain features which may be integrated within a design provided certain criteria have been met. Dependent on which of these are incorporated, is the level of sustainable design impact and recognition that can be achieved.

Each issue comes under the responsibility of a certain party within the design and construction teams and is tackled most effectively at a certain point in time within a project's development preparation stages.


  SECTION : News

· Refurbishing buildings Oct20
· Heat metering Feb15
· Building energy modelling Nov13

Is nuclear viable?
